
Click on their buttons to visit them!

Federiefederi is a really cool website that spotlights some lesser known websites!
If you want to find some cool, weird, and neat websites, give them a visit!
They also constantly add new websites so check back regularly!

This is Kiki & Ayano's website!
Their website is separated in two halves, one is Kiki's and the other is Ayano's.
I have no clue how they did that, it's crazy cool!
(Especially considering it has 3 different scroll bars in the home page.)
(How did they even do that??????)
They're both cool so go give them some love!

This is Ramager/Pumpkin Toast/Scotchtape's website!
She makes cool art! her website has an awesome aesthetic, I love it.
I found her website through Federi, I don't actually know much about them other than her website and cool art, but I think their stuff looks awesome.