January 2024

30/01/2024 NEW

Current mood: [Wherever We Are Now - Joel Baylis]

These last couple days have been... Ok.
I've been trying to get a job, and I've been sort of just... Existing.
It's been hard to get time to make stuff for this website, and also trying to do things irl.
I just wish things were simpler, that making my life better was as simple as snapping my fingers.
But it just isn't that way...
When I'm finished doing things and getting dragged every way by people that don't care about me, I've been playing Cassette Beasts.
It's a great game, filled with good vibes, and it's been great to de-stress.
Every time I boot it up and I'm greeted with the song of Harbourtown inside the Gramophone Café, I feel at peace.
It reminds me of an easier time, when things made more sense to a younger me.
When I thought that I had the world figured out, and that I had a bright future ahead of me...
But here we are huh?
...Luckily, this song snaps me out of my depressive state pretty easily.
I feel like I should really make an Index page, just in case normal people come in here.
I don't want to blast new people with an entry like this, which describes a depressive episode out of the blue.
But then again... This is a Diary, so you shouldn't be surprised if stuff like this pops up randomly lol.
I'll figure out what I'll do later, for now...
Good Night, and Happy Halloween.


Current mood: [Strobe Light - Shiina Mota]

Today has been a day for sure.
I don't feel well, but I also don't feel good either... Last couple of days have been weird.
I think today is the best I've felt since the last update.
I spent today doing stuff, but still feeling unfulfilled.
I guess I felt a little good after I made some other things for this website.
I made a new Page ->
I also made a button for my website:
It's serviceable, I think, especially since I can't think of anything to distinguish this website at the moment.
But I still need to find where I'm gonna put it, the original idea was on the Links page, but I don't think it'd fit there, since that's the page for websites n stuff that I like, it'd feel weird to put my button there.
I was thinking of using the Index page, but it looks too crowded already.
Maybe once I finish more pages and take down the "Under Construction" text and stuff, maybe it'll be in there then.
For now... I think I'm finished adding stuff for today.
I might add an "Anime" page too where I gush about Anime, like now I'm planning to do for the "Games" page, but that's for later, I still have a few stuff I'd like to do before adding even more pages.
For now... Good Night and Happy Halloween everyone!


Current mood: [Balcony - Cave Story]

I've been tired recently, still stuck in my brain maze, waiting hasn't helped.
All I've been able to do recently is... Kinda exist.
I haven't even been able to keep up with this website, despite this being one of my favorite things I've ever done for myself.
Things have otherwise been mostly the same with me.
I guess that's the way my life has always been... Nothing really happens around here with me.
I feel like this life is both a blessing and a curse.
Every day feels the same, wake up, eat, do things on the internet in search of entertainment and/or purpose, sleep, repeat.
It's an endless cycle which makes me think: "Am I happy?"
To which, my bodily response to that question is to get a pinch of sadness where my heart would is.
Things could be better, things could be worse, but I'm definitely not satisfied with how they are.
I think I'd probably get more out of life if I had a more interesting life, or lived in an interesting time.
Maybe it'd be different if I had more friends irl, but I don't think it would.
I do wish that I was in America with my friends and real family, which I spend most of my waking hours talking to.
But there's not much I can do about that yet, I need money for that first and foremost.
I decided to pick up my digital pen once again, it has been a long time since I did that.
I've wanted to for a long time, all I needed was a bit of a push, and here we are again.
Hopefully I'll be drawing for a long time, and having fun along the way.
I'm currently trying to punch through my depression and lethargy, and break out of this cycle, slowly but surely.
For now... I'm going to rest again, pouring my heart out into these takes a toll on me.
Before I go, have this drawing of me attempting to break through the creative block:
Good Night friends, and Happy Halloween!


Today has been a nice return to routine since the holidays.
I ran my Ryuutama game, did a small dungeon, had some friendly stuff, it was alright.
Been thinking about what to do for the Games section, i've got a solid idea, I just need to do it.
Other than that, I've been trying to figure out something to use as the website button for linking to here.
I've got a couple of ideas, but they seem stupid and I can't do pixel art to save my life.
So I might ask for help from friends for ideas, and maybe commission someone to make an icon.
So that might take a while on account of me not really being that creative.
Other than that... I've been considering making an entrance page that describes the website, I don't know what I'd put on it, but it's a thought.
It's late, I'm going to bed.
Good Night, and Happy Halloween!


Yesterday and today were kinda ass, things happened and all, but at least now it's over.
But that's a story for another time.
Not all is bad though, because I NOW HAVE A GUESTBOOK!!!!

Click the image below to sign it right now!!!!

It took a while, but it's finally here, I ended up using 's self-hosted Guestbook as base, my implementation is rather simple, but it's something that I really wanted to do, so, it's here now.
It took a while but it's finally here, now I feel great that it's done!
For now then, I think that I'll make the Games section next, possibly, I might also take a little bit of a coding break lol.
Other than that, I think I should really make a button for this website, but I've got no clue on what to put on it, so I'll save it for later.
For now, I'm gonna take a rest after doing all of this.
Good Night, and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!


Today has been alright, the last couple days have been pretty hectic with everything going on.
Been doing most of my usual things, but my normal daily routine now involves a new thing.
I'm now speedrunning FGO, I have to beat Lostbelt 5 before October, I NEED to.
9 Tattoo Dragon Eliza is coming and I NEED to get her, she's my baby.
Oh yeah also, Guestbook, it's been kinda hell to get it to work well, but I'm getting there, it should be done soon.
So that's gonna be happening, for now, I'm gonna take some rest and resume everything tomorrow.
For now, Good Night, and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!


I did some extra things, added a banner for this month, and I did a banner for each year so far.
They're both pretty basic, but I like them, they're neat.
Time to get back to developing the website!
I'm thinking that tomorrow I might be able to finish the Guestbook?
For now though, I'm gonna go eat dinner.
Cy'all tomorrow
And Happy Halloween!


Last night was pretty fun, I like fireworks.
2023 was alright, there were ups, there were downs, but it was fun in the end.
I currently still have plans and things in the backburner that I want to do, mainly for this website, but also other places.
I'm gonna take a rest from everything now that the festivities are over, and then get back to doing things.
Anyhow, Happy New Year!