December 2023


With this, I'm now going to begin my new project: Halloween The Year 'round
This project has been cooking up in the oven since I started getting christmas shitposts in FUCKING OCTOBER
Like, I get the funny "Mariah Carey's coming out of the ice" memes and all that, they're funny, BUT IN FUCKING OCTOBER?!
It got so bad, I got pissed and made this to start fighting back:

And you know what?
So from today onwards, I will begin THE FIGHT AGAINST CHRISTMAS
From today until Halloween, every day will be Halloween, 24/7, 7 days a week.
And no one can stop me!!!!!!
I'm gonna update the home screen and add "Happy Halloween!" to it.
Also every diary entry from now on will have "Happy Halloween!" at the bottom of it.
With that, I'm gonna end this entry, see you all next time.
I wish you all a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!


I've been super busy recently because, well, christmas.
It's been good to find time to do things for this website, family stuff getting in the way.
This christmas has been alright, it could've been better but oh well, hopefully next time I'll be having less daily issues.
That's it for now really, just a quick update over christmas, cya later!


I got busy yesterday with a ton of things, but it was kinda worth it because...
I found out that my favorite mobile game of all time, is back from the grave:

I used to play it a long time ago, I remember hearing about it from the original announcemeent in... I think it was 2018? God time flies.
It was hands down my favorite game at the time, I played it every day for years. It was hands down, my favorite game.
Sadly, my time with the game didn't last forever, by the time around when the 2nd anniversary started, my college life became a nightmare.
2020 was a horrible year, not just because of Covid, but also because tons of things kept happening irl, so I didn't have time for Dragalia, and it sucked, because I couldn't do anything about it.
And just like that, two years disappeared while I was busy, and eventually, EoS was announced.

That was then, but now, It's back!
Well... Kinda, see, I thought that the entire game would be available to play at any time, but, it appears that the people who reverse-engineered the game and made it playable again, haven't been able to completely get everything back.
There's a couple events missing from the Event Compendium, mainly raids, but at least a couple of events from every type are missing, so I can't actually play everything again.
Hopefully they will fix this eventually. But as it is, I'm glad the story is back at least, and ALSO, THEY'VE DONE A TON OF CHANGES SINCE I LAST PLAYED!
The game's opening now has multiple more scenes that I don't remember being animated with in-game character models, this is an amazing change.
I also saw that the game has a couple other important changes, such as, the gacha banner handing out 5*s like candy, like, goddamn, I almost feel like getting 3*s now is more rare than getting 5*s was lmao.
They also have their own account linking service, making it so I can have my save file on multiple devices, and I really like that.
They also made the characters that you could only get by participating in their events show up on the normal gacha, like Megaman! So I'm glad to be able to be able to get everything now.

There is one thing with that which I don't like, Spoiler characters, I've been hesitant to roll on the gacha not just because there's way too many characters now, but also, because some of those characters are spoilers.
I wish there was a way for me to only get characters based on my story and event progress (Like how FGO does it), but just having every character be obtainable in the first place is amazing to me.
Other than that, the community also has a save file with everything unlocked and ready to go if you just want to play the game and that's it.
For me, I think I'll just play the game since the beginning since it's been a LOOOOONG time since I played, so I don't remember most of the game, so for now, I'll see what happens and just play at my own pace.
Which, I CAN DO NOW! Because this is the same game I fell in love with all that time ago, except now, there is no FOMO because the game is done.
Though, this Hype has kinda wormed itself into my head, and I'm unsure of what to do...

I've got... A couple of ridiculous aspirations going through my head right now...
I want to help the team making the game on... Well... Making more of Dragalia Lost.
The first idea is to help them in any way I can to get new Characters, Dragons, Wyrmprints, Dialogue, Stories, Dungeons, Bosses, and so on, until we have a new community-made event.
I don't think I want to help with that, because I feel like I would only make things worse.

The second idea... Is inspired by one of my favorite content creators, RedMufflerMan, he makes a lot of anime and videogame shitposts.
More importantly, him and his friends have been going through the story of FGO blind, and live dubbing the entire thing.
It's one of my favorite things recently, and I look forward to watching them go through it every week.
So... My idea is to dub the entirety of Dragalia Lost, start to finish.
This feels actually pretty doable since I've been live dubbing games on my streams
Issue: NONE of my friends are available when I do streams.
And I'm not going to voice like 300+ characters, that's impossible for an amateur like me to do alone in any reasonable amount of time.
I'd at least like to do a little bit of it
For fun y'know?
So, after I've got some time set aside and everything, I might voice over a little bit of it, see how it does, ask friends about it, and if I can get them to help at least a little, I might do a lot of it, I'll figure it out.
For now, I'm gonna go write some stuff for my Ryuutama game tomorrow. Cya!


Today has been an alright day, spent today doing things irl and grinding the christmas event on FGO.
And before I knew, it was already 9pm.
Time blindness is fucked up.
If you don't know what that is, it's basically that my internal clock barely works sometimes, the analogy that I use to describe it is like, when you leave something to happen in the background for 5 minutes
If you've got a good sense of time, those 5 minutes will be only 5 minutes.
But for me, those 5 minutes can feel anywhere between 5 seconds to 10 minutes or more, and all that dictates the amount of time is my adhd.
It basically makes it so I can never really know how much time has passed, and what time it is without looking at a clock.
The main way I counter this is to have alarms at specific times of the day, and make the most out of the time I can tell.
Other than that, my day has been ok, watched some Kamen Rider Faiz with friends.
I also decided to make an Icon for the months that I'll be keeping track of.


I did some stuff today, re-organized the layout of my diary, changed some of the colors, made an icon for my Youtube, fun stuff.
As I write this, I'm currently trying to make the guestbook.
Jesus Christ making a Guestbook is hard.
I thought it'd have been as easy as "Hey I'm gonna steal the bones from a website from Google and go to my style.css from there!", which, I've been doing quite a bit.
But the ones I've found haven't been helpful, and I still haven't mastered reading html code with F12, so, Guestbook might take a while.

It was federiefederi!!!
They're making a website that features other websites from creators, and that's really really really cool!
Honestly I'm super excited that I got my first follower
I'm absolutely over the moon with this, I'm super excited, hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to put this excitement into making more of the website!


I spent today chilling, I basically used it as an opportunity to rest.
Especially since I couldn't do much...
It is what it is.
I'll probably actually do something tomorrow.
Good Night.


Today... I reorganized some pages around.
It was kinda tough, html is wack.
Though, I feel a small sense of accomplishment finishing it, I didn't expect to feel this since it's taken up the whole day.
I've never felt this before when working on any other html project before
Maybe that's good


Today, I made these page-like borders on these entries
I might change them a little as time goes on, but oh well.
I also scattered some secrets in the site
They're nothing big, just some extras, you'll find them with time.
Either way, I hope it adds a little bit of flavor to the site.
Other than that, I watched Kamen Rider today with my friends
Maybe I'll make a Kamen Rider section for the website
Just because I love it a lot.


I love listening to music, it tends to help me with my mood and my feelings
Whenever I hear a song it's like my soul is resonating with the song
So songs tend to help me through whatever complicated emotions I'm feeling
It doesn't work all the time because some songs just have to come at the right time.
Like let's say, I'm feeling happy, a happy song won't do much because I'm already happy
But a sad song can easily make me cry at the right time
And this is without getting into the complexities of musical storytelling.
But fair to say, to me, music leaves way larger an impact on the media I consume than anything else.
Here's some tunes that I love listening to every now and then:

[Hana Hope - "flowers"] This song is amazing, the music video for FGO also made me cry a lot.

[J-Crown & Taku - CROSS] I love Kamen Rider, and this is just one of several amazing songs.

[System Erasure - Unstopping] This comes from Zeroranger, it's my favorite shmup of all time.
Choosing only one song from it was like choosing my favorite child.
I would recommend everyone in the world to try this game, even non-shmup fans, it's amazing.

As of recently though, I've been listening to these:
[PinocchioP - Ultimate Senpai]
[PinocchioP - The World Hasn’t Even Started Yet]
[PinocchioP - What's Inside]
[PinocchioP - Nobody Makes Sense]
PinocchioP's music tends to help whenever I'm feeling down, their songs are great


Today was pretty fun productivity-wise, I made an entire image for this page!

It was fun to make, though font-hunting still took a while, but it was fun

I also made a favicon!

Trans Rights!

Other than that, I've been thinking about "The World Ends With You"
It's a game about Neku and his journey to discover himself and other people.
It's great, it's my favorite DS game, the remake on Switch is cool too
It's got an awesome aesthetic, as well as having a great story and OST
And I think this entire self-discovery thing has reminded me of it.
Maybe one day I'll play it on stream or something.
Thinking about it though, has made me think about making a "Videogames" page
Not sure what would be in there, but it's an idea.
Another Idea is to make the Guestbook already
But also, I'm unsure if I should do it while this is so brazenly unfinished.
I'll figure that out tomorrow, I've got a Ryuutama game to run in an hour.
Cya tomorrow!


One of the reasons I decided to do this is Self-Discovery.
I recently was doing the usual, having a day where I get anxiety as you do
And maybe it was also "Seasonal Depression"? (Learning about that was crazy in of itself)
Either way, I was sitting there, and talking to my friends, having an "Ok" time
Then, we started watching some videos, and one of them, was this one.
Needless to say, it kinda hit me in a few points that I had to sit there and think about.
And while I haven't gone to hike a mountain trail, or gone to a Yurt in New Zealand
I still feel like I should go on a journey of my own, to find myself amongst the digital jungle.

...Here's hoping it works.

As for actual development of this website, I'm gonna do things slowly
I'm setting small goals for myself for working on it for a little each day
It's a good way to counteract adhd.


I finally went and did it, I made a website.
Part of me still feels like this isn't real.
Another part says that this is dumb and I should stop.
But a third one, is beaming with excitement for this.
I don't know for how long I'll actually keep doing this.
Or hell, I don't even know if I'll actually have fun with this.
But I do know, that I've always wanted to have a place that's mine.
I don't know if this is it, but my search for that might as well start somewhere.

...With a small seed of happiness, that will hopefully grow into a beautiful flower.